From Tokyo Tech to UCLA

Quote from Prof.Lars Stixrude:
On Feb. 24 Prof. Kenji Ohta of Tokyo Tech visited the EPSS department with 42 students from Tokyo Tech. The students included 31 undergraduates and 11 graduates. Their visit to UCLA was the first leg of a longer trip focusing on field excursions throughout the American southwest.
My goal for their visit was to provide the students with a flavor of the cutting-edge science that is carried out in the department, and to introduce them to aspects of our field with which they might be less familiar. To this end I focused their visit around a tour of departmental laboratories and the Meteorite Gallery, following a brief overview of departmental research activities. The PI’s (Aurnou, Lithgow-Bertelloni, Young) and their graduate students (Xiyuan Bao, Yufan Xu), kindly prepared and ran stimulating presentations, as did Dr. Nicholas Gessler, a docent with the Meteorite Gallery. The three sub-groups of students were shepherded on their rounds by tour-guides: Leslie Instixiengmay, Xuesong Ding, Matthew Bogumil, and Boontigan Kuhasubpasin, who also answered questions regarding the science and the department.
As one of the guide, Xuesong took some nice photos of this international visit to the KGB Lab, Xiyuan (unluckily got some cold) was the lucky guy to hold the lab visit after Carolina: