Arthur Won the 2022 Harold & Mayla Sullwold Scholarship!

Arthur standing in front of his shadowgraph

Congratulations to Arthur Lo for winning the 2022 Harold and Mayla Sullwold Scholarship at his graduation!

This is awarded for Academic Excellence and Outstanding Original Research from UCLA Earth & Space Sciences Department.

Arthur has been working on the behavior of adjacent mantle plumes, with both numerical simulation and lab experiments. He uses shadowgraph to image the thermal plumes in corn syrup.

Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni
Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni
Professor of Geodynamics

Prof Lithgow-Bertelloni’s research is geared towards understanding the connection between the dynamics of Earth’s interior and their surface expression, including the influence of dynamics on surface deformation and topography. Research approaches to these questions include numerical simulations and experimental fluid dynamics.