The KGB group at AGU22

The KGB group had a nice and fruitful AGU 2022 at the snowy Chicago!
Xuesong presented her talk Tectonic and Geodynamic Controls on the Neogene Landscape Evolution of Southern Patagonia
Gan presented two posters: Varying Degrees of Mantle and Lithosphere Coupling Revealed by Surficial Features and Enceladus’s Tectonic Stress Field.
Matthew presented his poster Controls on Slab Morphology Throughout the Mantle: Tectonics to Sedimentary Basins

Xiyuan presented two talks: The plume zoo of thermal LLSVPs and Coupled Evolution of Earth’s Hydrogen Distribution and Thermal History. He also convened a SEDI session Advances in Mantle Convection and Planetary Evolution.
Joseph showed their plume merger in the talk: Do Mantle Plumes Merge? in Xiyuan’s session.
Our undergrad Alannah Linden, also presented her poster Source-to-sink Modeling of Environmental Impacts on Stratigraphic Development.